Programmatic targeted display advertising is the best method to reach new customers. These ads follow you around based upon what you search, read, and then buy. Programmatic can be complicated. But we simplify it with our bundled competitive mix.
This combination combines the power and flexibility of demographic, geographical, content, and behavior targeting with a retargeted ad group to engage users. The ads are then served after they leave your website. Targeting segments can include all aspects including age, gender, household income, interest in a Ford F-150 for example, or purchase intent for a used vehicle.
Competitive Blend allows you to put your best foot forward, produce results, and bring in customers who are already interested. You can use dynamic ad units to promote your brand and retarget these customers with messages to take action. Every impression counts. Reaching relevant potential customers. If applicable, clicks and conversion tracking can be used to measure engagement.
Pricing starts at $700/month and includes 100,000 Impressions.
Pre-bundled for convenience - we take the guesswork out of what targeting tactics to deploy for success.
Verified tracking - our team will provide and test to be sure your retargeting pixel is properly firing before setting the campaign live.
Transparent results include what websites your ads were served on, when they were seen and whether a customer took action if conversions are enabled.
Robust data elements - we show you which ads are garnering the most engagement and clicks.
5 conversion points are included in our tracking, allowing you to track engagement, interest and action.
Campaign optimization - our campaign managers are incentivized to hit key KPIs like foot traffic and click-thru rates. This ensures a real human is paying attention to your campaign performance.
Add an additional 20,000 impressions. $140/month
Add an additional 100,000 impressions. $700/month
6 banner ad designs are $120 and include 1 revision.
Additional revisions are $60/revision
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