Streaming TV now makes up 25% of all TV viewing. Streaming TV is a great way to reach potential customers right away. Ad-supported streaming TV is available to nearly 85 million households in America.
The average viewer is affluent and interested in purchasing. According to an Interactive Advertising Bureau study, 40% of viewers have stopped watching content in order to learn more or to make a purchase.
Our team has access to the most extensive Streaming TV inventory, so we can leverage your ad message today to reach the right audience. These commercial-grade ads can be seen on any screen: big screens, desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. They reach customers wherever they are streaming.
Pricing starts at $2550/month and includes 50,000 Impressions.
Streaming TV advertisements are professional grade and are designed to promote branding and awareness and drive post impressions conversions with view completions rates ranging from 50% - 90% depending on the devices targeted.
Transparent results include what websites your ads were served on, when they were seen and whether a customer took action if conversions are enabled.
Robust data elements - we show you which ads are garnering the most engagement and clicks.
5 conversion points are included in our tracking, allowing you to track engagement, interest and action.
Campaign optimization - our campaign managers are incentivized to hit key KPIs like foot traffic and click-thru rates. This ensures a real human is paying attention to your campaign performance.
Add an additional 8,823 monthly impressions. $450/month
Add an additional 29,412 monthly impressions. $1500/month
You are responsible for the creation of the video/s for the Streaming TV ads.
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